Fully customizable Bhulmann ZHL-16C+GF, multi gas, Air, Nitrox, Trimix computer with compass. Ideal for Tec Diving Centers and Tec Instructors, as well as technical and rebreather divers for primary or backup computer. “This simple, easy-to-use, cute, great-featured diving computer, quickly became one of my favorite diving tool. Everybody love it” – PADI Trimix Instructor Trainer – M.Balabanov
Compact, lightweight, with two large modern piezoceramic buttons, Made with a durable Delrin box in the EU.
Equipped with bungee, USB charger with cable can be charged from any source via USB cable.
Free AV1 DDM – Desktop Dive Manager for OC or CCR. For planing, upgrading the firmware and log.
Air, Nitrox vs Trimix up to 8 gases, ceiling, warnings, deco plan, built-in compass.
3 adjusted setpoints in Closed Circuit regime: High, Low and Deco.
Depth, dive time, actual time, average depth, stopwatch, ascent/descent speed, max depth and temperature.
Precise Graphic of the diver's performance, ceiling and temperature changes during the entire dive.
AV1 recording every 10 seconds of the dive performance - a great tool for the Instructors and demand divers.
All info you need at surface, as well as dynamic graphic of 16 tissue saturation.
At any moment of the dive the whole dive plan with all the forthcoming decompression stops can be looked through.
Violation warnings: deco, PO2 level, not-best gas mix, high ascending speed, high CNS, etc.
During decompression AV1 has an indicator of so-called «dynamic ceiling» that allows to have both step-by-step and «uninterrupted» decompression.
At any moment of the dive the whole dive plan with all the forthcoming decompression stops can be looked through.
The Dive planner is available in surface regime. He provides an opportunity to calculate complex dive profiles: up to 8 levels with various descending.
Calculation of required gas volume with various RMV for bottom and decompression mixes is available. For CCR it is also possible to calculate required bailout gas volume.
The device’s body is made of highly durable Delrin plastics. The screen is made of polycarbonate. Multicolor graphic display of high resolution (320×240) has a 2.4” diagonal. Modern piezoceramic buttons with adjustable sensitivity are perfect for any type of gloves. Maximal tested depth – 200 meters. LiPo accumulator, charging via USB port from any power source.
Compact dimensions: 90x65x28; Light weight: 0.27 kg.
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